What is the difference between an ice cube and an iceberg? The ice cube floats on the surface, appears lifeless and evaporates quickly. The iceberg lives mainly beneath the surface, appears awesome and, as our friends on the Titanic discovered, can change the course of history. When are ideas like ice cubes and when are they like icebergs?
The folks at Subaru are changing the course of history. As we learned on our tour, all workers are given a simple idea: "zero landfill". When making cars, there is a process using pencil sharp copper heads. Changing heads takes time and money. Not at Subaru! Someone suggested copper pencil sharpeners. All the copper shavings got swept up and tossed in the trash. Not at Subaru!! Someone suggested they sell all the floor dust, sift out the copper shavings and send it to Spain. The loading dock was awash with a sea of cardboard and styrofoam. Not at Subaru!!! Someone suggested sending reusable containers to all their vendors.
Zero landfill is the tip of the iceberg. Under the surface is an engaged workforce looking for ways to make their product better. They are paid for their time, but their initiative makes the car great!
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